Stiletto Network
Inside the Women's Power Circles That Are Changing the Face of Business
By: Pamela Ryckman
Published: May 16, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 272 pages
ISBN-10: 0814432530
ISBN-13: 978-0814432532
Publisher: AMACOM
"Stiletto Networks aren't titles, and you don't need power or wealth to create one. Stiletto Networks are about making your own personal dent in the world", writes journalist and former corporate strategist Pamela Ryckman, in her inspirational and support network building book Stiletto Network: Inside the Women's Power Circles That Are Changing the Face of Business. The author describes how powerful female leaders are establishing and operating some of the most influential and career strengthening groups to support, empower and advocate for one another within and beyond the workplace.
Pamela Ryckman understands the importance of women forming business and professional connections with other women, to utilize their combined knowledge and wisdom, for mutual benefit. Th author shares real stories of powerful women leaders who joined forces, in various groups and clubs, to support and strengthen other women. The combination of empowerment, encouragement, and shared ideas propelled themselves and other like minded women to achieve even the most daunting goals. Pamela Ryckman provides advice, learned from members of these motivational and revolutionary groups, on how to form similar networks to assist and celebrate other women and their successes.
Pamela Ryckman (photo left) recognizes the challenges faced by women in their careers, and presents the proven concept of the networks as a powerful support
apparatus for women in all walks of life. The networks and groups described by the author range from the informal to the formal, include women of all ages and career stages, and offer mutual benefit to all of their members. The friendships and collaborations nurtured within the organizations also extend far beyond the business and professional worlds, and into the personal realm as well.
Pamela Ryckman shares the various aspects of the Stiletto Networks through the inside stories of their members. These narratives demonstrate the collaboration, confidence, and causes that are supported and strengthened through the shared networking experience. The author provides the following advice for women planning to form their own network for women:
* Start now: Regardless of career stage, connections pay off
* Think diversity: Include women from different industries and backgrounds
* Filter for relevant shared experience: Similar traits and knowledge build trust
* Believe in the magic: Women will form their empowering ideas and results
* Strike a personal and professional balance: Combine careers with fun elements
* Have courage, give courage: Share empowerment and passion with hard truth as well
For me, the power of the book is how Pamela Ryckman combines a comprehensive overview of several effective Stiletto Networks, with some practical advice for establishing your new group for empowering and supporting women. The author offers the real life stories and experiences of several high powered and successful women who have supported other women, as well as receiving empowerment of their own. The narratives shared by the participants in the various networks illustrate the principles and value of the collaborative groups for furthering the careers of women.
Not only do the groups work to advance careers and business opportunities, but they provide real leadership and learning opportunities for women as well. Pamela Ryckman also includes the very important consideration of the social and interpersonal aspects of the Stiletto Networks, and how professional relationships are enhanced through personal relationships built on trust and shared values.
I highly recommend the empowering and engaging book Stiletto Network: Inside the Women's Power Circles That Are Changing the Face of Business by Pamale Ryckman, to any women at any stage of their careers, who are seeking a clear and concise guide to establishing and operating their own successful Stiletto Network. This book provides the essential tools and guidance, for enriching the careers of successful women that go beyond the boardroom, and form lifelong friendships as well.
Pamela Ryckman shares the various aspects of the Stiletto Networks through the inside stories of their members. These narratives demonstrate the collaboration, confidence, and causes that are supported and strengthened through the shared networking experience. The author provides the following advice for women planning to form their own network for women:
* Start now: Regardless of career stage, connections pay off
* Think diversity: Include women from different industries and backgrounds
* Filter for relevant shared experience: Similar traits and knowledge build trust
* Believe in the magic: Women will form their empowering ideas and results
* Strike a personal and professional balance: Combine careers with fun elements
* Have courage, give courage: Share empowerment and passion with hard truth as well
For me, the power of the book is how Pamela Ryckman combines a comprehensive overview of several effective Stiletto Networks, with some practical advice for establishing your new group for empowering and supporting women. The author offers the real life stories and experiences of several high powered and successful women who have supported other women, as well as receiving empowerment of their own. The narratives shared by the participants in the various networks illustrate the principles and value of the collaborative groups for furthering the careers of women.
Not only do the groups work to advance careers and business opportunities, but they provide real leadership and learning opportunities for women as well. Pamela Ryckman also includes the very important consideration of the social and interpersonal aspects of the Stiletto Networks, and how professional relationships are enhanced through personal relationships built on trust and shared values.
I highly recommend the empowering and engaging book Stiletto Network: Inside the Women's Power Circles That Are Changing the Face of Business by Pamale Ryckman, to any women at any stage of their careers, who are seeking a clear and concise guide to establishing and operating their own successful Stiletto Network. This book provides the essential tools and guidance, for enriching the careers of successful women that go beyond the boardroom, and form lifelong friendships as well.
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