Andrea Kay:This Is How To Get Your Next Job - Blog Business Success Radio

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Career consultant, speaker, nationally syndicated columnist, and author of the results oriented and practical idea filled book This Is How to Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want, Andrea Kay describes why skills and experience are not as important as how how employers see you. Andrea Kay presents evidence that employers are seeking employees who they consider the right fit for their organizations. Andrea points out that what employers see in job applicants is bad behavior, inappropriate clothing, and talking about the wrong topics. Andrea Kay offers suggestions as to how to act during and after job interviews, and also advises about how not to behave. Andrea also shares what employers do not want to hear, and how saying the wrong thing can derail an interview very quickly. Andrea also offers advice on clothing and accessories, and how to avoid the most common mistakes in your attire. Learn how to be the employee that companies want to see and hire as part of their organization.

Andrea Kay is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on BlogTalkRadio.

The show airs live on Thursday, June 13, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Career consultant, speaker, nationally sydicated columnist, and author of the results oriented and practical idea filled book This Is How to Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want, Andrea Kay describes why skills and experience are not as important as how how employers see you. Andrea Kay presents evidence that employers are seeking employees who they consider the right fit for their organizations. You will learn:

* Why job seekers don't get hired despite excellent skills and experience

* Why how employers see you is critical to being hired for the position

* What not to do at, say during, or wear to a job interview

* How to be seen as the right employee who is the right fit for the organization

Andrea Kay (photo left) helps people get excited about jumping out of bed and raring to go to work. For the past 20 years she has been creating and recreating Andrea Kay/The Art of Self Direction, a career consulting firm whose clients
range from rocket scientists and cowboys who want to change careers to accountants and engineers who have trouble relating to people.

Andrea specializes in “Career Therapy.” She is incessantly curious and quickly gets to the heart of an issue, then creates strategies to help people get what they want. She does this for CEOs, millionaires, corporate warriors, writers, real estate moguls, entrepreneurs and people who take their careers seriously. She writes books and the syndicated newspaper column, “At Work” and gives speeches to Fortune 50 companies, professional associations, schools and at special events.

She has worked with people who ended up being CFOs of major companies, sales and marketing executives, artists and successful entrepreneurs and has helped CEOs, financial managers, Hollywood producers and teachers discover new, satisfying careers. She has developed a reputation as a workplace observer and outspoken supporter of taking personal responsibility for your career and is widely quoted and interviewed.

She has published six books: This Is How to Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want, Work’s a Bitch and Then You Make It Work: 6 Steps to Go from Pissed off to Powerful, Life’s a Bitch and then You Change Careers: 9 Steps to Get Out of Your Funk and On to Your Future, Interview Strategies That Will Get You the Job You Want, Resumes That Will Get You the Job You Want and Greener Pastures: How To Find a Job In Another Place.

As a weekly newspaper columnist since 1988, Andrea has written over 1250 articles on careers and workplace issues. Today her syndicated column, “At Work” appears in USA Today and Gannett newspapers from California to New York to Canada and Guam and other Gannett media on the Web.

My book review of This Is How to Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want by Andrea Kay.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with career consultant, speaker, nationally sydicated columnist, and author of the results oriented and practical idea filled book This Is How to Get Your Next Job: An Inside Look at What Employers Really Want, Andrea Kay, as she describes why skills and experience are not as important as how how employers see you. Andrea Kay presents evidence that employers are seeking employees who they consider the right fit for their organizations. Andrea points out that what employers see in job applicants is bad behavior, inappropriate clothing, and talking about the wrong topics. Andrea Kay offers suggestions as to how to act during and after job interviews, and also advises about how not to behave. Andrea also shares what employers do not want to hear, and how saying the wrong thing can derail an interview very quickly. Andrea also offers advice on clothing and accessories, and how to avoid the most common mistakes in your attire. Learn how to be the employee that companies want to see and hire as part of their organization on Blog Business Success Radio.

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