MEMEnomics: The Next Generation Economic System by Said E. Dawlabani - Book review



The Next Generation Economic System

By: Said Elias Dawlabani

Published: September 17, 2013
Format: Hardcover, 320 pages
ISBN-10: 1590799968
ISBN-13: 978-1590799963
Publisher: SelectBooks

"Memenomics is based on the natural evolutionary concepts that define individuals, institutions, and cultures as value systems memes or vMEMES and offers economic solutions that are congruent with these memetic codes",writes entrepreneur and the leading expert in the value-systems approach to economics, Said Elias Dawlabani, in his brilliant and revolutionary book MEMEnomics: The Next Generation Economic System. The author describes the principles of memenomics as an alternative economic approach to the rigid and very artificial ideologies that dominate and stifle economic and leadership change to meet the challenges posed by modern capitalism.

Said Dawlabani recognizes that the problems facing leaders today cannot be solved with the methods of the old paradigm. The author points out that existing economic and political ideologies are insufficient to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. Said Dawlabani proposes utilizing the concept of value systems as a guide to the historical ebb and flow of values within capitalism. With this understanding in place, the author provides his blueprint for transforming the existing economic system. That fresh approach is in the form of memenomics, framed on the natural evolution of economic systems, to create the next phase of capitalism.

Said Dawlabani (photo left) understands that economic systems theory and analysis has moved away from the necessary holistic and societal level of thought. The author presents the idea of value systems as memes, and their evolution and organic growth, to form the overarching basis of a culture. While other economic theories tend toward rigidity and an inability to forecast the future reliably, memenomic principles are designed to predict the evolution of human thought and activity, environmental changes of all types, and human value transition.

Said Dawlabani offers an open values systems approach that considers the entirety of the system of leadership. The historical analysis provide for an examination of previous approaches including the failure of trickle down economic theory. The authors presents the importance of integrating human culture and values to meet the challenges of the modern capitalist system. The author divides the book into three major sections to provide a framework for study of the cultural values systems theory as follows:

* A whole systems view on the evolution of economies
* History of the value of a subsistence economy
* The platform for functional capitalism

For me, the power of the book is how Said Dawlabani combines a comprehensive examination and framework for his cultural values systems economics, with the prescriptive approach necessary for leaders to make the transition to the new economic paradigm. The author considers the societal culture and human values to form integral parts of the economic system. This inclusive approach to economic theory is lacking in the mainstream economic thought that has become conventional wisdom. The author demonstrates the historic and current failure of those isolated theories.

Said Dawlabani shows clearly how a cultural values systems theory is essential for navigating the current economic crisis, and to break the deadlock that has stifled the capitalist system. The author understands that economists must remove the rigidity of their theories, and consider societal and cultural evolution as an integral part to a holistic understanding of the economic system. With the road map offered by Said Dawlabani, the opportunity arises to establish a new form of leadership in both government and the private sector. The author also provides examples of where that transition is already taking place, and that existing economic theory is unable to cope with or describe the transformation.

I highly recommend the groundbreaking and very important book MEMEnomics: The Next Generation Economic System by Said Elias Dawlabani, to any business leaders, political leaders, public policy makers, economists, economics students, and anyone serious about establishing a more realistic economic system based on the ever evolving human culture, society, and environments. This book takes a whole systems approach to the challenges posed by the rapid changes taking place within government and the capitalist system.

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