Drucker on Marketing by William A. Cohen, Ph.D. - Book review


Drucker on Marketing

Lessons from the World's Most Influential Business Thinker

By: William A. Cohen, Ph.D.

Published: September 12, 2012
Format: Hardcover, 288 pages
ISBN-10: 0071778624
ISBN-13: 978-0071778626
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

"Much of what Drucker taught ran counter to what is said about marketing even by many expert marketing practitioners and academics and what is written in many marketing books", writes internationally renowned thought leader and President of the Institute of Leader Arts, William A. Cohen, Ph.D., in his landmark and comprehensive book Drucker on Marketing: Lessons from the World's Most Influential Business Thinker. The author describes the marketing theories, concepts, and principles devised and shared by the late Peter Drucker, into the first guide to the pioneering marketing guide to the marketing ideas of that great business genius.

William A. Cohen, Ph.D. (photo left) recognizes that Peter Drucker was a groundbreaking thinker in the field of marketing. Indeed, as the author points out, Peter Drucker has been considered the grandfather of marketing. William Cohen offers the insight that Peter Drucker considered marketing and innovation to be the foundation of business success.

As would be expected of a genius, writes the author, Peter Drucker had ideas about marketing that not only ran counter to the traditional approaches to marketing, but were in direct conflict with the recognized experts in both academia and corporate boardrooms. Since Peter Drucker never wrote a book exclusively on the principles of marketing, William Cohen wrote this book to organize the marketing genius of Peter Drucker into one volume.

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William A. Cohen understands that Peter Drucker (photo left) thought very differently from what is even considered as accepted marketing wisdom. The author offers the insight that while many experts have long considered sales and marketing not be the same thing, but that Peter Drucker presented the radical concept that sales and marketing could even be adversaries. As a result, the author provides a book that demonstrates clearly just how different the thinking of Peter Drucker truly was fro, that of the supposed conventional wisdom.

William A. Cohen shares the powerful marketing insights discovered by the late Peter Drucker, as well as the impact of these ideas that continues to this day. The author points out that while Peter Drucker told business and marketing leaders what to do, ut not always how to do it. To his credit, William Cohen offers the understanding that Peter Drucker provided timeless truths, but as times change so too does their meaning application in those changing environments. The marketing wisdom of Peter Drucker is offered in five overarching sections as follows:

* The ascendency of marketing
* Innovation and entrepreneurship
* Drucker's marketing strategy
* New products and service introduction
* Drucker's unique marketing insights

For me, the power of the book is how William A. Cohen, Ph.D. combines a collected work of the groundbreaking marketing insights uncovered by the late Peter Drucker, but offers those ideas with his own analysis of the overall concepts. Theauthor adds his own experiences and concepts to further illustrate the monumental monumental thinking offered by Peter Drucker. This book is a really needed addition to the overall marketing literature. Peter Drucker never authored a specialized volume on marketing, but included his seminal thinking in his overall business philosophy.

As is pointed out by William A. Cohen in the book, Peter Drucker frequently took positions that contradicted directly those of business and academic experts. As was almost always the case, the ideas of Peter Drucker were not only more effective on their own contemporary context, but proved to be correct over the long term as well. This volume is more than a mere collection of the marketing thought of Peter Drucker, but is a tribute to the greatness of Peter Drucker as a pioneer in the entire field of marketing.

I hightly recommend the very essential and must read book Drucker on Marketing: Lessons from the World's Most Influential Business Thinker by Wiliam A. Cohen, Ph.D., to any business leaders, executives, marketing and brand managers, academics and business students, and anyone interestesd in the seminal marketing ideas of the great genius Peter Drcker. This book places Peter Drucker where he belongs, in the very upper pantheon of thinkers about marketing and its impact for the organization, the customer, and for society.

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