Commercial Management: Theory and Practice by David Lowe - Book review


Commercial Management: Theory and Practice

By: David Lowe

Published: August 5, 2013
Format: Paperback, 522 pages
ISBN-10: 1405124687
ISBN-13: 978-1405124683
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

"Commercial exists as a distinct management role in many organizations, particularly those originating from the UK, although it is becoming more accepted globally as a valuable business activity", writes Senior Lecturer in Commercial Management, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, UK, David Lowe in his comprehensive and very well structured book Commercial Management: Theory and Practice. The author and the globally recognized contributors describe the important role of commercial management within organizations with a project orientation, including a theoretical framework for the latest theories, ideas, and best practices.

David Lowe recognizes the importance of establishing a complete framework as fundamental to a full understanding of the principles and practices of commercial management. The author and contributors utilize the framework as a foundation from with to build and add the various concepts of the subject matter. Through this methodical building process, the student is able to learn the theoretical concepts and practical methodology in a logical and well structured format.

David Lowe offers a complete examination of the commercial management practice providing perspective from both the supply side and the demand side; along with the other pertinent topics that fall under the grouping of commercial management.

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David Lowe (photo left) provides a structural approach to the theories and practices that offers a logical route to learning the principles of commercial management. The author and the contributors guide students through an overall introduction to the framework and premises of commercial management. With the roles of the manager, in various positions within the framework, the author continues through the common areas of practice in project based organizations.

The book is divided into four overarching sections that present a complete foundational approach to commercial management in a project oriented environment. The four parts of the book are as follows:

* Introduction: Commercial management in project environments
* Elements of commercial theory and practice
* Approaches to commercial practice
* Case studies: Two extended case studies

For me, the power of the book is how David Lowe, and his contributing experts, combine the frameworks of the various factors within commercial management, with the strategies, tactics, and best practices for their successful implementation. The author and contributors provide in depth examination of the relevant topics, using a logical building block type format to add new concepts to those learned previously. The book is crammed with charts, graphs, highlighted principles, and handy shout outs that guide the student farther along the journey toward fully understanding the role of the commercial manager within a project oriented enterprise.

The author enhances the understanding of the concepts and the framework through two extensice and intensive case studies. These real world examinations of the principles in action in actul project environments illustrate the concepts for additional comprehension. Each chapter has the additional bonus feature of PowerPoint slides, sample exam questions for student practice, ando links to online resources and journals.

I highly recommend the excellent and all inclusive idea filled book Commercial Management: Theory and Practice by David Lewis, to any students at the graduate or undergraduate levels in management, commercial management, project management, educators in academia, professional commercial and project managers, business leaders, pub;ic policy analysts and anyone else interested in the theory and practice of commercial management. This book covers all of the relevant areas completely and authoritatively.

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