The Wisdom of Titans by William Ferguson - Book review


The Wisdom of Titans

Secrets of Success from Entrepreneurs Who Rose to the Top

By: William J. Ferguson

Published: May 28, 2013
Hardcover: 256 pages
ISBN-10: 193713458X
ISBN-13: 978-1937134587
Publisher: Bibliomotion

"Talking with these gifted and distinguished individuals was a privilege not only because of their accomplishments, but also because of their willingness to share their lessons along the way", writes senior management recruiter, CEO succession planning facilitator, and Chairman and CEO of Ferguson Partners Ltd., William J. Ferguson, in his engaging and entrepreneurial insight packed book The Wisdom of Titans: Secrets of Success from Entrepreneurs Who Rose to the Top. The author shares the wisdom of eleven highly successful entrepreneurs in search of a blueprint for achieving entrepreneurial success.

William Ferguson recognizes that fewer than twenty percent of entrepreneurial ventures succeed past their initial three years of operation. The author sought out the stories of eleven entrepreneurs who made it to the pinnacle of business achievement to learn their secrets to not only beating the odds, but soaring well beyond the ordinary. William Ferguson discovered a common thread among these titans, as he calls them, that business is ultimately about other people, including the customers they serve, their teams, and others who assisted tremendously in their overall success as entrepreneurs.

William J. Ferguson (photo left) understands that successful entrepreneurs are rare individuals who understand the value of service, of working with others, and fully engaging with others. The titans, whose wisdom is shared in
the book, are more than simply hard working people. They are also self aware, have the ability to laugh at their own mistakes and how they learned important lessons, and a genuine love for the business and for other people.

William Ferguson includes the wisdom of eleven well known and service oriented entrepreneurs who achieved towering success. The titans were also selfless in the sharing of their secrets to help guide others to achieve their vision and goals of serving others as well. The chapters in the book include the following:

* Have fun at work: Bill Marriott
* Be a student of the business: Bill Sanders
* Make your mark outside the mainstream: Stuart Miller
* Grow the bottom line - period: Noel Watson
* Coach, mentor, and teach others: Julia Stewart
* Create value out of a vision: Robert L. Johnson
* Be true to yourself: Sam Zell
* Take a risk to do things differently: Rick Federico
* Measure your progress at every step: Paul J. Diaz
* Be mindful of the shadow you cast: John Robbins
* Make the 2 percent difference: Bill Jensen

For me, the power of the book is how William Ferguson combines the wisdom of the business leaders included in the book into an overall road map to success on the entrepreneurial journey. The author delves into the lessons offered by well known entrepreneurs, and presents them in an engaging and understandable format that is readily accessed by anyone in business. The eleven principles are not offered as unique stand alone concepts, but as part of an overall integrated view of of entrepreneur success methodology.

The wisdom provided by the titans is not only philosophical in nature, but also contains powerful elements of practical advice that can be implemented by anyone in business. Each chapter begins with a key quotation by the recognized business leader, and ends with a point form summary of the lessons and tips shared in the chapter. William Ferguson provides a real service to the reader as well by establishing common links and ideas from all of the chapters into a hands on blueprint that can be followed to success.

I highly recommend the valuable advice and unique perspective filled book The Wisdom of Titans: Secrets of Success from Entrepreneurs Who Rose to the Top by William Ferguson, to any current or would be entrepreneurs seeking a powerful guide to business success through the lessons shared by some of the most accomplished entrepreneurs in their industries. This book is one that entrepreneurs will return to again and again for both advice and inspiration.

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