The Self-Made Myth by Brian Miller & Mike Lapham - Book review


The Self-Made Myth

And the Truth about How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed

By: Brian Miller, Mike Lapham

Published: March 5, 2012
Format: Paperback, 192 pages
ISBN-10: 1609945069
ISBN-13: 978-1609945060
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"The self-made myth is the assertion that individual and business success is the result of the personal characteristics of exceptional individuals, such as hard work, creativity, and sacrifice, with little or no outside assistance. Those who subscribe to this myth do so only by ignoring the contributions of society, the supports made possible through government action, any head start a person may have received, and just plain old luck", write executive director of United for a Fair Economy, Brian Miller; and founding director of Responsible Wealth, a project of United for a Fair Economy, Mike Lapham, in their well researched and thought provoking book The Self-Made Myth: And the Truth about How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed. The authors describe how the idea that business success is solely the result of great individual effort is entirely false, and they deconstruct the usual claims of supposedly self-made individuals, and destroy this fabricated mythology entirely.

Brian Miller (photo left) and Mike Lapham recognize the importance of hard work, creativity, and personal sacrifice. The authors point out that these traits, no matter hoe admirable and noble, do not account for the entirety an individual's success. Instead, the authors provide clear evidence that the creation of wealth the result of many additional factors that seldom receive the recognition they deserve. The omission of the inputs of government support through public education, the legal system, infrastructure, and the safety net is more than simply an exercise in ego or self delusion on the part of the individuals. The authors present a compelling case that the real reason for the perpetuation of the self-mad myth, despite its demonstrable shortcomings, is to influence public policy and to reduce taxation levels.

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Mike Lapham (photo left) and Brian Miller understand that the self-made myth is as much a political construct as it is a social and economic creation. By falsely claiming that personal success is entirely due to individual initiative and merit, the authors point out that this position is intended to steer public policy into a firmly anti-government narrative. To counter this tend, based the false premise of the self-made person, the authors provide an alternative in the form of the built together reality.

To establish their case that refutes the self-made myth, the authors present the following outline:

* Overview of the self-made myth and its consequences
* The roots of the myth, its recent evolution, and its policy implications
* Contributions made by government and society that create conditions for success
* Foundations of the alternative built together reality of success
* Profiles of noted business leaders who embrace the built together reality
* How the built together reality changes our view of the government role
* Ways that people can get involved to change the dialogue to a more realistic one

For me, the power of the book is how Brian Miller and Mike Lapham completely demolish the self-made myth, and expose it for the empty shell it is in reality. The authors also provide a very strong alternative approach to understanding wealth creation for individuals and businesses in the form of the built together reality. This fresh approach acknowledges the role played by government, society, family, and even luck in the achievement of success.

Brian Miller and Mike Lapham present case histories of several allegedly self-made people including Donald Trump, Ross Perot, and the Koch Brothers, illustrating completely the false premise of them being self-made success stories. The authors also provide interviews with other successful individuals including Jerry Fiddler, Glynn Lloyd, Thelma Kidd, and Warren Buffett who acknowledge openly how much public and private assistance they received in achieving their success. The book concludes with an action plan for people to get involved in presenting the built together reality as a much more accurate assessment of how wealth is created in America.

I highly recommend the important and eye opening book The Self-Made Myth: And the Truth about How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed by Brian Miller and Mike Lapham, to anyone seeking a recognition of the essential role played by government and society in the success of individuals and businesses. This book will change the way you view government, and provide a new appreciation for how public and private support assist in the creation of wealth and a vibrant economy.

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