Kiss Your Customer by Andy Masters - Book review


Kiss Your Customer

77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships

By: Andy Masters

Published: January 12, 2012
Format: Paperback, 225 pages
ISBN-10: 0975461095
ISBN-13: 978-0975461099
Publisher: Hawthorn Publishing

"There are principles from our relationships which can help us in sales and service, and principles from sales and service which can help us in our relationships", writes speaker and award winning author Andy Masters, in his idea filled and very engaging book Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships. The author describes why understanding the crucial analogy between sales and service on the one hand, and dating and relationships on the other, will enhance your success in business and in your personal life.

Andy Masters understands the critical connection between attracting and keeping a customer is the same dynamic as attracting and keeping a significant other. The author provides seventy-seven ideas for achieving success in sales and service, and not coincidently, in ones romantic life as well. With a heaping helping of humor, mixed with some often painful real world experience, Andy Masters offers wisdom and insights that serve double duty at home and at work. He likes to throw in a few laughs, as well, to help ease the misfortunes of fate, and to establish the mood for a fresh start on pursuing both dates and customers. Andy Masters shares some ideas for both retaining the person being pursued if they are compatible, and for breaking up with them should they prove to be not the ideal choice.

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Andy Masters (photo left) recognizes that there are many factors involved in both finding customers and getting dates,. There are also many interrelated elements in keeping the customer for the long term. Utilizing the dating analogy effectively, Andy Masters presents a series of real world tested and proven techniques for success in business. Finding a happy romantic life is a bonus part of the book.

The author includes useful and readily applicable (with a few wisely judicious edits) advice including the following:

* The value of honesty and trust
* Accepting rejection from prospects
* Networking and referrals
* Using humor effectively
* Being creative in your approach
* Understanding apologies for mistakes
* having the proper attitude
* Managing expectations and exceeding them
* Celebrating success

For me, the power of the book is how Andy Masters successfully integrates humor into his real world wisdom on sales and service; as well as on dating and relationships. The author presents his seventy-seven slices of advice with a good natured, and self effacing wit, that causes the many concepts to be both memorable and effective. Each of the chapters is only one or two pages in length, with the key takeaway principles bolded for emphasis.

The concepts move logically through the entire attraction and retention time frame; as well as a possible just in case breakup scenario. Overall, Andy Masters presents his ideas in a memorable format that will transform both one's business life, and their dating presence.

I highly recommend the effective and enjoyable book Kiss Your Customer: 77 Reasons Why Sales & Service Are Just Like Dating & Relationships by Andy Masters, to anyone seeking an affable and entertaining guide to achieving greater business and romantic success. This book will change the mood of your approach to business from pain to gain.

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